Thursday, October 14, 2010

Losing my motivation

I was being such an athlete...was being the key word.  I started in June.  Running, and running and running  a few days a week, 3 or 4.  I did this all through June and July.  Then I ran my first 5K on 7/24, slacked off the whole next week and a half, ran and evening or two, then ran my second 5K on 8/7.  Since then I've been bad.  Really inconsistent.  Running twice one week, not again for a week and a half.  It's been a struggle.  I've gotta get back on the bandwagon.  I got new shoes at Kohls specifically to guilt myself into running but that's clearly not worked.  I even tried again by buying full length running pants for when it gets cold....also a fail.  If any of you out there have any tips please feel free to send them my way, cause this is what I feel like doing. 

Lounging of course has its downside.  Like me, showin up in Florida with all of my family, lookin like this (cause I do wear a two piece)...
Oh my....I laughed out loud.  God love this woman for putting it all out there.  Anyway, I've lost my motivation and now I gotta find it again, one mile at a time. 


  1. I don't think you'll have to worry about your family looking amazing in swim suits at Disney. I have a huge baby in my belly & growing thighs. Although here is your motivation - get out and run you slacker! You'll feel better & can't complain - plus you can eat oreos :)

  2. Run like you just robbed a bank, or pranked Troy and he is coming down the road!!


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