Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm trying

I swear, sometimes I can't get any work done for working.  I have had a very busy weekend and this week is not letting up much.  I have to finish work then go to Annie's to work on Ethel Edith stuff tonight, but maybe tomorrow.  Tomorrow is a new, potentially less busy day.  I had fully intended on posting the pictures from my office's makeover but just got the pictures taken yesterday and you can't see the paint color very well....anyway.  I have them and I will post them soon!  It just looks so much cleaner.  To me it's a huge difference, sadly, few patients have even noticed.  Bummer right, it took lots of effort.  Now I just have to get the rest of the rooms updated somehow.  It will happen!  I hope :)

1 comment:

  1. Don't ya just wonder what the heck is wrong with people that they don't notice!! I'm baffled cuz I always notice stuff! Get that Ethel Edith stuff done cuz I'm a coming to 3rd Sunday market.



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