I stayed with mom and dad the two weeks before the wedding to help with preparations. My best friend came to help. We went to the little church and cleaned and organized. There wasn’t a ton to do really, but this is what it looked like when we finished it up. Very simple, but nice.
Adorable isnt’ it. There is a wooden handicap ramp outside that we wrapped with grapevine and added a few things to, dressed it up a bit. When you little chapel sits in the woods, there’s not a ton that you need to do.
The Friday before the wedding everyone was there to help. Zac’s parents came down and spent some time with us. Lolla and I made cakes, Maggie and Courtney scrubbed potatoes and a whole slew of aunts and friends decorated my dad’s machine shed.
My dad is a great dad! He is so fantastic that when I said I’d like to have the reception in our barn, he didn’t just clean up the barn. He built an entire false wall that was 8 foot high to hide the stuff that couldn’t be moved and painted the entire thing white.
Add some lights and a little tulle and it was as nice a reception hall as either of my sisters had. It was amazing. We had a giant feed trough that we put all the food in, old quilts to hide the ugly garage door and a variety of antique, chippy painted tables to hold the desserts, plates, drinks and presents. We had an old mailbox to hold our cards. We finished up everything on Friday and it all looked great. It was turning out to be the quaint, intimate little wedding I had hoped for. Now all we needed was for Saturday to get there!

what a great dad!!!