Zac and I left the reception and headed right to St. Louis. At the time, we lived there, so we had to drive both of our cars back….that would have meant a two hour drive apart 3 hours after we got married. Luckliy, my dear friend Chris flew in to STL for the wedding and he drove one car back for us and took us to the airport in exchange for a house to stay in so he could visit other friends for a few days. It was a sweet deal.
We had planned a long, expensive honeymoon that was way out of our price range. The way we figured it, I would be wrapped up in practice soon and it would be impossible for me to take 2 weeks off again for a long time. Also, "someday" becomes a much more frequently used phrase after kids, so we wanted to avoid that and get ourselves somewhere fantastic for our honeymoon.
I have a cousin that lives in Switzerland. When he moved, I promised him I would make it over to see him. I am always true to my word. It took me a year and a half, but that promise helped seal the deal for Zac and I....we were off to Europe!!!
We had decided to pack light....really light. Light like one backpack for 2 weeks. I was so pumped! We borrowed my buddies bags (remember the Thanks you got me in trouble post) and took pictures of the process. I was this excited....yep, clapping excited.
This is us after we finished up packing to leave
As you have probably noticed, I am a huge picture taker. My life after 16 is pretty well documented. I figure that's a good thing, unless I ever decide to run for office in which case I will burn the evidence and claim I "never inhaled." Anyway. I had my trust camera on the drive to STL. We were gonna go straight to the airport, but realized then I would have to wear my veil and have my hair up all crazy fancy for a 9 hour flight. None the less, the daunting drive and flight did nothing to lower my spirits, which were sky-freakin-high. This is us on the drive and I know you love the glasses paired with my wedding hair and earrings.
Here's my excited and can't believe I'm married now face
And Zac's what up with this ring face
We made it to the airport on time...despite the fact that Chris, who had lived in STL for most of his life, went the wrong way and showed up to our house 20 minutes late. We made it through security and then killed time. I hate that hurry up and wait stuff that airports are famous for, but we were on our way and that's all that mattered. Here is Zac at the airport
And our bags, pack and ready for 2 weeks of adventure!
Our first stop, LONDON!!!

Gosh I'm jealous! However, Jade & I have made a pact - our 10 year wedding anniversary will be somewhere fabulous. PS - you and Maggie will be keeping our kids that week! :)
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